
Vacation Part 2: Bremen

From Germany we took the train to Bremen, Germany. It is one of the few cities in Northern Germany to not be heavily damaged during the war. Below is the train station, which I thought looked cool enough for a picture.

This building is (I think) what used to be the Rathaus or government center. It is right across from the church (two towers visible in the following picture) and in the middle of the famous town square. We ate lunch across from this building and the church. It seems like everyone eats lunch outside in Germany, which I really like with the weather we had. I never see this in Japan, especially in Tokyo. I once went to a beer garden in Shinjuku, but it was on the top of a building.

The building at the end of this street is the one in the picture above, and the two towers are the church. I love wide open streets with shops that aren't cluttered by cars. This is another great European tradition I wish I saw more of in Japan and America.

This windmill was visible from a bridge . There are paintings set up larger than a person that seem like they might still be in progress. Very pretty.

Window shopping for meat and cheese. The vast array of meats, cheeses and breads made me miss Germany before even getting off the plane. I found myself looking in bakeries all around where I lived only to leave each one empty handed and disheartened. I suppose it could be the water or humidity that prevent good bread from being made if it didn't last very long. At least I hope there's a good reason, because the bread here just doesn't cut it.

More to come!


Anonymous said...

I have to agree about the breads and cheeses. I miss them, too. I know we can make good bread in the USA, but most of what we find is full of less than nutritious ingredients. I thought I would have gained 5 pounds on the food I ate in Germany, but actually came home weighing less than when I left.

ThePeat said...

It's not the weather, Welsh bread sucks :)